Source code for temfpy.optimization

"""Test capabilities for optimization.
This module contains a host of models and functions often used for testing optimization
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import rosen

[docs]def ackley(x, a=20, b=0.2, c=2 * np.pi): r"""Ackley function. .. math:: f(x) = -a \exp{\left(-b \sqrt{\frac{1}{p} \sum_{i=1}^p x_i^2}\right)} \exp{\left(\frac{1}{p} \sum_{i=1}^p \cos(c x_i)\right)} + a + \exp(1) Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input domain with dimension :math:`p`, which is usually evaluated on the hypercube :math:`x_i \in [-32.768, 32.768]` for all :math:`i = 1, \dots, p`. a : float, optional The default value is 20. b : float, optional The default value is 0.2. c : float, optional The default value is :math:`2\pi`. Returns ------- float Output domain Notes ----- This function was proposed by David Ackley in [A1987]_ and used in [B1996]_ and [M2005]_. It is characterized by an almost flat outer region and a central hole or peak where modulations become increasingly influential. The function has its global minimum :math:`f(x) = 0` at :math:`x = \begin{pmatrix}0 & \dots & 0 \end{pmatrix}^T`. .. figure:: ../../docs/_static/images/fig-ackley.png :align: center References ---------- .. [A1987] Ackley, D. H. (1987). *A connectionist machine for genetic hillclimbing*. Kluwer Academic Publishers. .. [B1996] Back, T. (1996). *Evolutionary algorithms in theory and practice: Evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, genetic algorithms*. Oxford University Press. .. [M2005] Molga, M., and Smutnicki, C. (2005). *Test functions for optimization needs*. Retrieved June 2020, from Examples -------- >>> from temfpy.optimization import ackley >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> x = [0, 0] >>> y = ackley(x) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, 0) """ rslt = ( a + np.exp(1) - (a * (np.exp(-b * np.sqrt(1 / len(x) * np.sum(np.square(x)))))) ) rslt -= np.exp(1 / len(x) * np.sum(np.cos(np.multiply(c, x)))) return rslt
[docs]def rastrigin(x, a=10): r"""Rastrigin function. .. math:: f(x) = a p + \sum_{i=1}^p \left(x_i^2 - 10 \cos(2\pi x_i)\right) Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input domain with dimension :math:`p`. It is usually evaluated on the hypercube :math:`x_i\in [-5.12, 5.12]` for all :math:`i = 1, \dots, p`. a : float, optional The default value is 10. Returns ------- float Output domain Notes ----- The function was first proposed by Leonard Rastrigin in [R1974]_. It produces frequent local minima, as it is highly multimodal. However, the location of the minima are regularly distributed. The function has its global minimum :math:`f(x) = 0` at :math:`x = \begin{pmatrix}0 & \dots & 0 \end{pmatrix}^T`. .. figure:: ../../docs/_static/images/fig-rastrigin.png :align: center References ---------- .. [R1974] Rastrigin, L. A. (1974). *Systems of extremal control*. Moscow, Russia. Examples -------- >>> from temfpy.optimization import rastrigin >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> x = [0, 0] >>> y = rastrigin(x) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, 0) """ rslt = a * len(x) + np.sum( np.multiply(x, x) - 10 * np.cos(2 * np.multiply(np.pi, x)), ) return rslt
[docs]def rosenbrock(x): r"""Rosenbrock function. .. math:: f(x) = \sum^{p-1}_{i = 1} \left[100(x_{i+1}-x_i^2)^2 + (1-x_i^2) \right] Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input domain with dimension :math:`p > 1`. Returns ------- float Output domain Notes ----- The function was first proposed by Howard H. Rosenbrock in [R1960]_ and is often referred to as Rosenbrock's valley or Rosenbrock's Banana function due to its shape. The function has its global minimum at :math:`x = \begin{pmatrix}1 & \dots & 1 \end{pmatrix}^T`. .. figure:: ../../docs/_static/images/fig-rosenbrock.png :align: center References ---------- .. [R1960] Rosenbrock, H. H. (1960). An automatic method for finding the greatest or least value of a function. *The Computer Journal*, 3(3): 175-184. Examples -------- >>> from temfpy.optimization import rosenbrock >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> x = [1, 1] >>> y = rosenbrock(x) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, 0) """ if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple, pd.core.series.Series, np.ndarray)): sys.exit("The parameter x must be an array like object.") else: if len(x) < 2: sys.exit("The input array x must be at least of length 2.") rslt = rosen(x) return rslt
[docs]def carlberg(x, a, b): r"""Carlberg function. .. math:: f(x) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^p a_i (x_i - 1)^2 + b \left[p - \sum_{i=1}^p \cos(2 \pi(x_i-1)) \right] Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input vector with dimension :math:`p`. a : array_like Input vector with dimension :math:`p`. b : float Cannot be smaller than zero. For more information see Notes. Returns ------- float Output domain Notes ----- If the values in :math:`a` are widely distributed, the function is said to be ill-conditioned, making it hard to minimize in some directions for Hessian-free numerical methods. If :math:`b=0` (see second graph below), the function is convex, smooth, and has its minimum at :math:`x = \begin{pmatrix}1 & \dots & 1 \end{pmatrix}^T`. For :math:`b>0` the function is no longer convex and has many local minima (see first graph below). These circumstances make it hard for local optimization methods to find the global minimum, which is still at :math:`x = \begin{pmatrix}1 & \dots & 1 \end{pmatrix}^T`. .. figure:: ../../docs/_static/images/fig-carlberg-noise.png :align: center .. figure:: ../../docs/_static/images/fig-carlberg-no-noise.png :align: center References ---------- .. [C2019] Carlberg, K. (2019). *Optimization in Python*. Fundamentals of Data Science Summer Workshops, Stanford. Examples -------- >>> from temfpy.optimization import carlberg >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> x = [1, 1] >>> a = [1, 1] >>> b = 1 >>> y = carlberg(x,a,b) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, 0) """ if b < 0: sys.exit("Input parameter b must not be smaller than zero.") x, a = np.atleast_1d(x), np.atleast_1d(a) dimension = len(x) fval = 0 fval += 0.5 * np.sum(a * (x - np.ones(dimension)) ** 2) fval += b * dimension fval -= b * np.sum(np.cos(2 * np.pi * (x - np.ones(dimension)))) return fval